We all know that programming is a set of instructions, but many a times we forget to think that this set of instructions should make sense to be called a computer program. You can get your dog to fetch a stick just by yelling “FETCH” but if type an instruction like “calculate” it will do nothing other than just sitting there and gaping at your face with that ugly python command prompt look. To command a machine to do a task we need to pass a set of “ precise and clear set of instructions that flows seamlessly from one step to another ”. This flow of instruction is known as flow control or instruction flow control in the programming world. One handy tool to do this is a flowchart. What the hell is a flowchart? Well simply put a flowchart is a graphical representation of instructions/logic sets that helps you to visualize the logic that you have formulated for a task. Let’s get into an example…. Let’s say that you want to automate the login to your facebook acco...