Welcome back friends to another post on TheCodingProject and we are back with the fourth chapter of the Beginner Python programming tutorial - How to become a python Jedi. This time we are going to learn about decision making in python using the If Else statement in python. The If-Else statement? In Python Programming, decision making is done by using a conditional statement like the If-Else statement. An If statement consists of 3 parts → If keyword a conditional operator the values which needs comparison Now it should be kept in mind that the only values that an If condition returns are a True or a False , Using this True or a False we can decide if the condition that we are trying check is right or wrong. When Coding knowledge came to my rescue→ Let me tell you a story about how coding knowledge came to rescue . I have this neighbour named Alex who doesn't quite seem to be a regular guy. Wait ! actually he never seemed to me as a regular hum...