I am back again with another part in the beginner python programming tutorial series. We will continue with "Loops" but this time we are going to learn how to use for loop in python 3. Difference between For loop and While Loop A "For Loop" and "While Loop" have a common connection that both are looping statement, but major difference is that unlike while loop, a for loop gets executed a specified number of times. We can break down the For loop into the following components(Refer to the for loop flow chart below). for keyword variable name call to the range function colon operator clause or block of code Hovering over the flow-chart The above flow-chart is..well horrible I know, but I make my own drawings because I can't afford an artist. So, bear with me. In the above flowchart is a very basicy, laymanish representation of a for loop. The decision box contains the For statement along-with it's sou...