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What I learned from writing a guest post

                                                     Recently I wrote a python tutorial for Datacamp , while writing this tutorial I learned a couple of things which I am going to share with you right here in my blog post. May be you can use my experiences in your own endeavours as a writer. Idea The first step is idea generation. You can either search through any previous topics in your blog post if you have one or you can go through your past learning, experiences or any problem statement that you might have gone through and you will find that while doing that you can get tons of ideas to start your article. If you fall short of ideas then you can ask for help from may be your social media followings your friends or your family, for example I asked the people at Datacamp  themselves and they suggested me a couple of topics which got me st...
Recent posts

How To Install Tensorflow On Windows

Why I am writing this tutorial ? Recently I have started learning machine learning specifically DeepLearning for one of my pet projects, and during this quest of mine I wanted to learn TensorFlow library which is developed by Google. Learning is one thing but first I needed to install the library, but there was this problem which I faced during the installation. I am using Anaconda as my package manager and trying to install the Tensorflow library on my work computer which is behind a proxy, installing directly from the anaconda cloud while behind a proxy always displayed a proxy error. How did I resolve the issue? Well this is exactly what I am going to write down in the below tutorial. The Steps To Follow Before we get all cosy with this short tutorial on Tensorflow installation, let me tell you that this tutorial is on the assumption that you have already installed Anaconda on your machine and you know at least a few basic things or two about python. If y...

For Loop in python 3 : How to become a Python Jedi - Beginners Python Programming Tutorial - Part 7

I am back again with another part in the beginner python programming tutorial series. We will continue with "Loops" but this time we are going to learn how to use for loop in python 3.  Difference between For loop and While Loop A "For Loop" and "While Loop" have a common connection that both are looping statement, but major difference is that unlike while loop, a for loop gets executed a specified number of times. We can break down the For loop into the following components(Refer to the for loop flow chart below). for keyword variable name call to the range function colon operator clause or block of code Hovering over the flow-chart The above flow-chart is..well horrible I know, but I make my own drawings because I can't afford an artist. So, bear with me. In the above flowchart is a very basicy, laymanish representation of a for loop. The decision box contains the  For  statement along-with it's sou...

Buy me a coffee

Hey fiends thanks for the love that you guys have shown me. I am overwhelmed by the daily visits that I get on my blow and my youtube channel. I usually work at night to create and share programming tutorials and stuffs on my blog & youtube channel  . A nice hot cup of coffee from you would be great to get me going. Now it's perfectly fine if you don't want to buy me a coffee, you can just stop by to say hello.

Collatz sequence python : Monday fun with Python

Hello everyone. Today is Monday..well not a big deal and I know everyone knows today is a Monday. Like you I'm not a big fan of Monday, although nowadays I'm waiting eagerly for this day of the week as I get to watch a Game of Thrones episode on this day and I'm sure most of you can reciprocate the same feeling. The only thing I hate the most is the long wait till Monday night till I return to home from office and get to watch that episode for which I wait for one whole week and here I am in office waiting for the day to get over soon. The plan To kill the time I do one of the thing that I love the most. Yes, you guessed right? I code. So, I decided to fool around some python programming code to kill the boredom. Without much ado let's code :) I decided to device a python program that would help me to devise a "collatz sequence" In case you are thinking what a "collatz sequence" is then dive into this link here . For more understanding on pyt...

Where are the new Python Blogs?

Hello friends I welcome you back after a long long time. It's been nearly 3 weeks since I have posted any blog post here or any new tutorial videos on my youtube channel. Recently I have been involved in many of my pet projects. One of them being studying machine learning, I am a geek at heart and I love to learn new tech things and machine learning is one that ha got me hooked and this is the reason I am spending most of my time studying ML. Meanwhile I am also trying to learn and android development and trying to build an app on my own which is again a totally new field for me and it's taking up a very large chunk of my time not to mention my full time job. Then there's my youtube channel for which I am trying to develop the best content for you guys and doing this involves a long planning, building the content, editing the videos etc. and this take a lot of time as I am able to devote 30 mins daily at the best to my youtube content creation and that explains the very ...

While Loop in python : How to become a Python Jedi - Beginners Python Programming Tutorial - Part 6

Welcome back friends to another post on TheCodingProject and we are back with the sixth chapter of the Beginner Python programming tutorial - How to become a python Jedi. This time we are going to learn how to use while loop in python. The While Loop statement? In Python Programming, There are 3 types of loops → While loop For loop Nested loops Now to get into some action→ Let’s consider that two groups of aliens have landed on earth  out of these two one of the group is good & the other are the bad guys. The govt. Has given you the task of designing a system that takes in input from different eyewitnesses & then classify that whether the aliens that these eyewitnesses encounter are the good guys or bad guys. Copy & paste the above code in your editor and run this code. What do you get ? When the input is Autobots it matches the condition aliens == "Autobots" & it enters the loop to prints the statement pointed b...