How did I resolve the issue? Well this is exactly what I am going to write down in the below tutorial.
The Steps To Follow
Before we get all cosy with this short tutorial on Tensorflow installation, let me tell you that
this tutorial is on the assumption that you have already installed Anaconda on your machine and you know at least a few basic things or two about python.
First you need to download the Tensorflow tar file from the Anaconda cloud from here . You will need to download the file named as "win-64/tensorflow-1.3.0-py36_0.tar.bz2" . Additionally you will also have to download "repodata.json.bz2" from here .
Update : 11/28/17 - As pointed out by one of my fellow machine learning enthusiast from my workplace Martin Uribe (You can visit his github profile here) I missed the download link for the "protobuf" package earlier. So here is the link.
this tutorial is on the assumption that you have already installed Anaconda on your machine and you know at least a few basic things or two about python.
If you want to learn basic python before getting started with this tutorial then you can read my Beginners Python Tutorial or you can watch the Tutorial on my Youtube channel.
Update : 11/28/17 - As pointed out by one of my fellow machine learning enthusiast from my workplace Martin Uribe (You can visit his github profile here) I missed the download link for the "protobuf" package earlier. So here is the link.
If you want to know what is contained in the repodata.json.bz2 file and why is it important then you can head over to the Anaconda website where you can get a detailed description of this file.Then Open the anaconda prompt and navigate to the folder where the above files are downloaded e.g. C:\Users\thecodingproject\Downloads and run the below commands.
Validating Your Installation
Now that you are goody goody with your shiny new Tensorflow installation , It's time to test it. To test the installation use the below short program in the same anaconda terminal -
If you get an output resembling the below output then you are all sorted.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments you can post your comment here or you can also bug me on Quora, Twitter or on Facebook.
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